Dear Friends,


I am thankful for the friends I have. Over my 23 years I have met some of the most wonderful people on this planet. And I am lucky to call them my friends. I will just name some of the things that make me grateful for my friends (and they will probably not make any sense unless you were involved, but that is what makes life so exciting, right?) ...

  • The Drops and Shoshone Ice Cream
  • Breakfast was ready for me every day this week when I was running out the door
  • Denny's, Disneyland, Chick-fil-a
  • Three words.... "Ohhhhhh my gosh" which actually links to "I'm so FREAKING excited" and "SURPRISE"
  • There is always a good reason to play dress up
  • Parade driver
  • When I am having a hard time and a scripture, conference talk, or ensign article is given to me for guidance without them even knowing the entire situation
  • Singing to people on the sidewalk or yelling "YOU'RE IN LOVE"
  • I can say words like "backstroke", "Abra had a ham" and "white hat guy" and I know laughter will follow right away
  • There is always a request for me to be home so we can play
  • Painting the rock
  • Always a person to go to 9 Beans and a Burrito with me. Bean and cheese double wrap with a plate please.
  • Skype and Google Talk... and also Heytell, text messages, and late night phone calls
  • A nice dinner at Tucanos "I don't eat pork"
  • Sometimes I come home and my room is all clean and organized
  • No look camera night
  • Homemade videos to remember the random parties that we have when our parents leave us to babysit the young ones
  • "You're love keeps lifting me, love keeps lifting me, lifting me higher and higher and higher!"
  • Onsies
  • Birds of Prey
  • Random dance parties no matter where we are... apartment, street, car, parking garage
  • Spending time looking up circuits that we can teach other when we go work out together
  • Understanding of nap time
  • 5:00 am is the time we run out of things and go to bed rather than the time we wake up
  • Magic fingers
  • Health food secrets. Whats in that shake?
  • Cupcake girls night and spa day

Why am I so lucky? I don't know... but I am.


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