Dear BYU Basketball,


I have really enjoyed watching all the games this season. Michelle and I made it a point to go to as many games as we could, which was hard because Utah Flash took over our lives for quite awhile. I am proud to be a Cougar. And I am pumped for March Madness. BYU got a good spot.

Gotta love the Cougars!


Dear Gingerbread House,

Every year growing up my family (meaning my Mom while we all hung out) built a gingerbread house. I always remembered building a gingerbread house, but I never remembered what we did with the creation post the holiday season. Over break, I found out what we did. And when I say break I mean Christmas break, which proves how late this post is in coming. My Mom did the cutest thing, she compiled all of the old home videos onto DVDs so we could all have them to watch. One video that came up every year was the annual smashing of the gingerbread house. That is how my family went about bringing in the new year. So after my great gingerbread house date with Conner in which we made this gem (it was also the best looking house of them all)...

... I was wondering what I was going to do with it after the holiday season finished. Those videos were my answer. Hence the gingerbread house smashing Nic and I participated in here...

... this is going to be a great tradition.


Dear Darth Vadar

I am a Belieber too.. no big deal.


Dear Friday,

We we we so excited. We gonna have a ball today.

*Warning: This could be the worst music video and song of all time? Enjoy the lyrics.*


Dear World,


I am still here. I have a lot to catch you peeps up on. Posts to come.

Gingerbread Smashing
BYU Basketball
Miss Capitol City
March Madness
Adobe-Omniture Summit Event

I am sure there are other things.


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