... this is what I want.


My senior year we had a project assigned to us. We were supposed to make a list of 100 things we wanted to do before we died. I mentioned it to someone the other day, and so I thought I would pull it out so I could add new things and mark of the things I had done. It was interesting to see. My hopes and dreams are pretty much all in the same direction. My list has grown all the way to 153 things, and I am sure it will keep growing as I get older. So far I have accomplished 31 of the 153... It might not seem like a lot, but I feel really good about it.

These are a few I have accomplished:
- go to four corners
- be in a movie
- make a fool of myself
- skydive
- be a peer mentor

There are a few I still need to accomplish:
- marry a RM in the temple
- go on a road trip
- send flowers to a stranger
- teach my kids how to read
- cook a Thanksgiving dinner
tyshaclements said...

i have always wanted to go to four corners

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